Friday, January 4, 2008

Taking care

Being sick sucks. I rarely get so much as the sniffles, so this cold, or whatever it was, really knocked me for a loop. It started Christmas Eve and has been hanging on for what seems like forever. A couple of days ago, I finally called and made an appointment to see the doc, which was not easy since my (former) doc has up and left her practice and left me high and dry w/o a provider. Anyhow, I asked around and got a recomendation and called for an appointment. Wouldn't you know, the day I called, I started to feel better (figures doesn't it?!), and by the time I went in today, all that was left is a little bit of a tickly cough. *SIGH* Nothing much she could do really, but she did give me some freebies of some antihistamine -YAY for freebies!!- and away I went. She prolly thinks I'm a weenie-hypochondriac coming in for some wimpy little cough -but it had been a bad cough, I swear! lol! All in all, I'm glad I went in. I've been needing a new doc and this gal was great -totally felt comfortable with her and helloooo... she gave me FREE stuff!! :D I also got back on track with my other meds, which is such a relief, maybe now I won't feel like crying at every Hallmark commercial.

I also went to see my chiropractor today -I threw my back/hip out a couple of days ago and was just going to try and deal on my own but after all my back problems last year I decided that the sooner I deal with it, the better off I'd be. It's hard to shell out that money -especially right after the holidays when $$ is already tight, but it was so worth it. I'm a little sore tonight but I've been using my ice pack and I know tomorrow will be better. :)

After my crazy day of running around, I'm feeling so good about what I accomplished today. I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions but I did decide I'm going to be better to myself this year and today was the first step. Tomorrow, maybe I'll think about getting on the treadmill. PFFFT! ...and then the day after that, maybe I'll actually do it! lol I have about 30-35 pounds draggin me down. I know it's gonna take some time... which is hard for me because I'm such an instant gratification kinda girl, but even if I gotta take baby steps, at least I'm moving in the right direction!


.jessica jo. said...

glad you are feeling better!!! urgh, on the back pain! chiros are such wonderful people!

Anonymous said...

glad you made it to the dr and are feeling beter.

I love my chiro :)

La- said...

Glad you are feeling better... I have that darm lingering cough too!!
Back pain sucks!! I love my Chiro!!
