Thursday, November 13, 2008


When you're feeling smug because, even though you know this afternoon and evening you'll be doing the sports mom hustle; picking kids up, cracking the whip to get homework done and then taxiing to and from basketball practice, -you're still going to rock your family's world with one of their favorite dinners WITHOUT having to break a sweat when you get home! -all because you had the foresight to bust out the crock pot and git-r-done early (pats self on back)...


yeeeahh, uhm... note to self:

It's usually a good idea to make sure that you have actually plugged in the freakin crock pot! *GAAAH!* sadly, this is a classic leafa mcbirdie move. ppfffftt... what a dork.


SuzyQ said...

I was cheering you on and then I got to the punch line.
I have so been there, lol!!!!

Carla said...

LOL.....well......yeh....I have pulled a YOU before your arent alone SISTA....

Jessica said...

Well carp. Figures!
You have to be a super woman to handle all the regular kid stuff anyway! Let them make you dinner ;)